Bocce Ball

Long ago a group of San Mateo Elks gathered on a court that wasn’t called tennis or basketball or handball. It is a bocce court. The member turnout was outstanding with 23 Elks showing up for an introduction to this “oldest” of games.
Bocce was discovered by the Romans after they invaded Egypt. On the walls there they found drawings of people rolling smooth round stones towards a smaller round stone. The rest is history. They brought the game back to Italy and today it is one of the fastest-growing group-participation games anywhere.
Today the popularity of the game is because so many of us are in what we call the “Golden Age” and because many of us cannot play Basketball or Football or even Baseball competitively anymore. Bocce provides a very competitive venue that includes team play and strategy. But to everyone's surprise, many young people are playing now and are flocking to Bocce courts everywhere.
San Mateo Elks Lodge #1112 is now the proud owner of two bocce courts on the east side of the outdoor swimming pool. These courts became a reality after two years of planning and fundraising with the selling of over one hundred commemorative bricks and help from the local lodge. This past year, our fall and spring classic tournaments, with ninety Elks bocce players, were played on our own Elks Lodge bocce courts.
In addition to tournament play, the bocce courts are presently also being used by San Mateo Elks, family members, and their guests. Elks members, visiting our Lodge, are encouraged to visit and try out our fine courts.
There is an Internet bocce site that sends a newsletter with a listing of bocce tournaments going on in our area and around the country. It’s free of course. Check it out: www.joyofbocce.com

For more details, contact our
Bocce Ball committee