Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, pool, Bowling, Tennis, and Bocce Ball leagues. Elk Lodges are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.
Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today’s veterans, and improve the quality of life.
Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity

Our History
Founded in New York, on February 16, 1868, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is a patriotic, nonpolitical, and nonsectarian organization of over 2,100 Elks Lodges throughout the United States.
Our San Mateo Lodge No. 1112 was chartered in 1908. Our original location was 336 South “B” Street until 1954 when under the leadership of ER Raymond Daba, we moved to our current location here on 20th Avenue. It was designed to accommodate 2,500 members but within 5 years it became evident that it would have to be enlarged. 46 years later, the membership reaching for the 2,000 goals, moves into its $500,000 clubhouse on West 20th Avenue, one of the finest lodges of its kind in the nation.
The San Mateo Lodge forms part of the Bay District 0640 and belongs to the California-Hawaii Elks Association (CHEA). The California-Hawaii Elks Association is comprised of over 180 Lodges throughout the state of California and Hawaii and is governed by officers and trustees who are elected from within the Association. The San Mateo Lodge participates in charitable causes such as CA-HI Major Project which offers Therapy Services for Children.
Elks of San Mateo Lodge No.1112 enjoy many festivities throughout the year including Wednesday Night dinners, monthly Bingo Nights, Family Pancake Breakfasts, Holiday Dinner Dances, Ladies Luncheons, Crab Feeds, Christmas parties for the kids, and New Years Eve Balls. Each season we are busy enhancing the lives of our members as well as those in our community.
Our Vision
Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today’s veterans, and improve the quality of life.